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Transform Deck FAQs

The Transform Deck

Who did the awesome illustrations?

The icons were designed by Agata at Good Stuff No Nonsense.

Why is this a physical product? Is there a digital version?

The Transform Deck is designed to be played with, laid out, shuffled, arranged and manipulated in a host of ways, to inspire new approaches and combinations of activity types. In playtests, we found this works best with a physical deck.

But, if you buy the 'Transform Toolkit' version, you'll also get a set of 'digital minis', which are designed for use with digital collaboration platforms like Mural and Miro. They don't have all the info from the cards, but you can use them to work digitally, especially when collaborating, and use the physical cards to refer to for more info.

Will there be future decks and expansions? Is this guaranteed if I buy the 'Lifetime' version?

Plans are in place for a Deck 2, and a possible Deck 3 and/or 'booster' decks or individual extra cards to add to decks. However, we don't guarantee exactly what we'll produce in the future. If you buy the 'Lifetime' version, you're working on faith for future releases, but in exchange, the more we produce, the better the deal gets.

Do the cards tell you exactly how to create and run specific activities?

No. The purpose of the deck is to inspire you to create your own activities. Each card is a balance between specific and general. Specific enough to give you direction and help you understand how it could be applied, but general enough to allow for lots of freedom in making it work in your specific circumstances, and with your style.

Examples on each card make sure you're not in any doubt or confusion, though. And we'll feed further content and guidance about individual cards and activities (and more besides) into the community forum.

What's the community forum all about?

The community forum is hosted in Discourse, which is a dynamic, easy-to-use platform you can access via mobile or browser. We'll feed content, tips, how-tos and inspiration into it. We'll also host competitions and other events and activities there, and let you know about workshops, office-hours sessions and coaching.

But mostly, it's a space for you. Use it to ask questions and share successes. Make it what you want, and benefit from the experience and enthusiasm of other Transform Deck users.

What's this about an introductory cost?

The first print run of the Transform Deck is a limited print run. We've set a special introductory price to encourage a thriving community of early-access users. There will definitely be a second print run once the first sells out, but the prices will likely be higher.

I have a great idea for a card...

Fantastic! Share it on the community forum. We'll have threads and occasional competitions for exactly this kind of thing.

Can I get a bulk-buy discount?

There is no standard offer. However, if you are looking to buy a large number of decks, please contact us on and we'll discuss it with you.

My organisation sells training products, or I have lots of people I could recommend this to. Do you work with resellers and affiliates?

Yes, we do. Please get in touch via to discuss your situation.